Contact email and brief biography for Pat Cryer, the webmaster

I can be contacted on the following email address. Please retype it because there is no electronic link in order to avoid spam abuse. As there is no gender-neutral term for 'webmaster', I use the term for myself even though I am a woman. Pat stands for Patricia not Patrick. A brief biography is below.

contact information

I am always pleased to receive comments and additional material, but if you want to contact me for any other reason, please read on.

Requests and questions | Reproduction of images or text | Copyright | Valuations

Requests and questions

When contacting me, please bear in mind  that I am a private individual, working alone and unsalaried.

Nevertheless, if you have a request or question which isn't answered on the website and if I can answer from my existing database, I will do so. However it takes my time. So a thank you would be appreciated, as would taking the trouble to address me by name and helping to publicise the website through, for example, a Facebook or LinkedIn post, etc.

Before contacting me with a question, try either using the site search box to see if your question is already answered or searching for the relevant museum and asking them.

Please note that I am unable to do your research for you. Neither do I accept requests for reciprocal links.

of images or text

Reproduction in any form of any image or text longer than a paragraph requires my express written permission or the written permission of the copyright holder, copied to me. Such reproductions must carry an acknowledgement to this website.

The quizzes are also ©Pat Cryer but may be used online in their current form without charge. They may not be reproduced without my permission.


The memoirs of my mother are ©Pat Cryer, as are my own recollections and research.

The holders of the original images and contributions own their own copyright in accordance with copyright law, but have authorised use on this website - and on this website only. I act as their agents in matters of copyright and copyright infringement from this website.

Other images on this website are ©Pat Cryer. All rights are reserved.


I am not in a position to make valuations. So please don't ask whether something you have is worth anything or how to sell it. I do not respond to such requests.

Brief biography of Pat Cryer, the webmaster

Pat Cryer is a retired academic with a BSc from the University of Exeter and a PhD from the University of Surrey. Before retiring from academia, she held visiting professorships at the University of Manchester and the University of Winchester, was the author of several books and travelled widely overseas advising and running workshops. In her retirement, her main hobby is this website which aims to fill a gap in website provision by emphasising what life was like for ordinary people in the past: what they experienced, why they did what they did and how they felt about it. In this connection, she has interviewed numerous older people, visited numerous museums and re-enactments and also recorded her own childhood observations of the home front of wartime Britain. The website does not rely on sponsorship and she maintains and develops it for visitors free of charge. She also undertakes short advisory commissions for authors, playwrights and media professionals who wish to get their facts straight about what everyday life was like in the early-mid 20th century.

sources webmaster contact

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Text and images are copyright

If you can add anything to this page or provide a photo, please contact me.

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