Marcel waving that was fashionable in the 1920s and 30s

Marcel Waves

This page shows the appearance of professional Marcel waving, and it describes how a less immaculate form and finger waving could be achieved at home.


By the webmaster based on the memoirs of FEC (1906-2002), discussions with older people and additional research

What Marcel waving was

The Marcel wave was a hairstyle popular in the 1920s and 30s that consisted of tight waves - never curls - close to the head. My mother never referred to the style as finger waving which I believe is either a more modern term or perhaps a term for less immaculate-looking close waves made at home.

How Marcel waves were made

True Marcel waving was always done professionally because heat was necessary to crimp the hair in position with curling tongs and it was too easy to damage the hair. For my mother-in-law, having a Marcel wave, was part of her 21st birthday present, 21 being the age when children formally became adults - just as 18 is today. Her 21st photo is shown in the top image and in more detail below.

The difference between Marcel waving and finger waving

The internet gives the difference between Marcel waving and finger waving as that finger waving does not involve heated irons (curling tongs) whereas, by implication, Marcel waving does.

Curling tongs were available for home use, so women did produce close waves using heat, but the result would have been less immaculate than a professional job.

Hair clamps for Marcel-style waving at home

My mother told me that her friends of the time achieved fairly tight waves at home using special clamps on wet hair. Her clamps remained in her possession long after the fashion ended. So I have been able to photograph them.

Old hair clamps for setting hair for for Marcel waving at home

Hair clamps for Marcel-style waving at home

These clamps were always used during the day before some special event, as sleeping on them would have been impossibly uncomfortable and would have inevitably spoilt the tight waves in spite of the widespread use of hair nets at night.

The clamps were used on wet hair. The waves were pressed into place with a comb and the fingers, and the 'peaks' were gripped with the clamps while the hair dried.

The first stage of making a Marcel wave

Making the wave

A stage in producing Marcel style waves with hair clamps

A wave held in a clamp while the next wave is being produced

My trials while taking the photos showed that the clamps were top heavy. So a strong hair net or scarf would have been required to hold the clamps in position. The scarf would of course slow the drying process, and home hair dryers were not common at the time. I doubt if the professional appearance of true Marcel waves was ever produced.

True Marcel waves

Professionally produced Marcel waves

Homemade setting lotion using sugar

For setting lotion, sugar water was frequently used. Some of my school friends in the late 1940s mentioned that their mothers used it. They heated sugar and water in a saucepan and let the water boil off until it the solution thickened. Once cool it was ready for use. I would imagine that this homemade setting lotion would make the hair sticky and attract insects, but I have no evidence for this. Anyway it was certainly widely used.

Curling tongs for 'Marcel'-style waving at home

My mother said that heated curling tongs could be used to produce close waves, but that they needed very careful handling - for reasons explained on the curling tongs page.

As fingers and comb created the wave - just as in finger waving (see below), its peak was crimped with the curling tongs.

Old metal curling tongs for curling hair

Curling tongs as used to crimp the peak of each wave

Finger waving

Today's finger waving owes much to the Marcel waving of the past. It is used on wet hair using modern setting lotion which keeps it in position until it dries. It is made with the fingers, as described above, but I don't think it is designed for the entire head. If you know better, please contact me.

Marcel look-alike hairstyles for older women in the 1950s

I have always noticed how women, as they get older, tend to retain something of the fashions of their younger years.

The final two pictures show typical hair styles that I remember among older women in the 1950s. The resemblance to Marcel waving is obvious. Both photos are screen shots from old films.

Common older women's hairstyles in the 1950s clearly based on the Marcel waving of their youth

Older women in the 1950s still wearing the Marcel-type hair styles of their youth

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