Copthall County Grammar School: pupil leavers and teachers: 1956/57

What follows are two extracts from the 1956/57 school magazine. The first lists the girls leaving the school with their career or further education destinations, and the second lists the teachers in post at the time.


Edited by the webmaster with additional photographs and information from other former pupils

List of school leavers from Copthall County Grammar School in 1957

1956/57 was my final year at Copthall. I am listed in the first box, nine down, as P. Clarke.

List of school leavers from Copthall County Grammar School in 1957

Either pinch out to enlarge this image or see the text version below.

A. Angel — Orion Insurance Company.
J. Bartlett—Scientific Assistant, Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldmaston.
W. Beadle and M. Flynn —Unilevers.
L. Bliss —Eastbourne Training College.
M. Bunting — Saffron Walden Training College.
M. Dyne — Hampstead Centre and School of Occupational Therapy.
R. Chapman -- Dartford Physical Training College.
B. Clayton — Institut francais, Secretarial Course.
P. Clarke — Exeter University.
E. Cobden — Student Nurse, Edgware General Hospital.
P. Constantine — Royal Dutch Air Lines.
J. Dabbs and J. Parker — Dickens & Jones.
M. Darling—Balls Park Training College.
G. Dove — Newbold Missionary College, Binfield.
R. Durbin and L. Hall — Lloyds Bank.
P. Gordon — Student Nurse, Luton and Dunstable Hospital.
A. Heasman — Portsmouth Training College.
C. Horne—Triangle Secretarial College.
M. Hunt —Easthampstead Training College.
M. Lawes —Student Nurse, National Orthopaedic Hospital.
J. Lee —Southampton University.
B. Legh-Jones — Exeter University.
B. Marsh — Medical Research Laboratory Assistant.
A. Marriott — Regent Street Polytechnic — Domestic Subjects course.
J. Morris—Cartographical Draughtsman, Civil Service.
V. Newland — University College, London.
J. Osborn Westminster Bank.
M. Parker— Pearl Assurance Company.
V. Power — G.P.O. Continental Service.
C. Preece — Brighton Training College.
M. Rhensius — Clacton Training College.
S. Riddy — Homerton Training College.
C. Rigg — Exeter University.
J. H. Smith — Student Nurse, St. Bartholomew's Hospital.
J. P. Smith — Eastbourne Training College.
P. Swanger — Vinnimore Farm, Exeter.
J. Thomas — Northern Polytechnic — Demonstrator's course.
A. Turmaine — Regent Street Polytechnic — Architecture course.
M. Walton — Civil Service, clerical class.
K. E. White — Phoenix Assurance Company.
K. M. White— London Transport Offices.
V. Baum, M. Brewer, R. Cottage,
C. Ferrie, P. Furby, P. Gant, L. Glaser, P. Hill, P. Lassman, C. Mitchell, R. Parkin, J. Pateman, L. Phillips, A. Porte, S. Ranscombe, and G. Williams — Hendon Technical College, Secretarial course.
D. Matthews and S. Robinson — Kilburn Technical College, Secretarial course.
P. Dines — Harrow Technical College, Secretarial course.

List of staff at Copthall County Grammar School in 1957/

List of school teachers from Copthall County Grammar School in 1957

Either pinch out to enlarge this image or see the text version below.

HEAD MISTRESS MIss M. B. Hays-Jones, M.A. (Cantab.)

Miss M. A. Baudet, B.A.— French and Spanish.
Miss M. Beal, B.A. (Oxon and London) — French and German.
Miss R. A. Blaikley, Diploma of Bergman Osterberg College, Dartford —
Miss M. F. Bruce, B.A. (Liverpool) — English. Physical Training.
Miss E. S. A. Cairns, M.Sc. (Belfast) —Chemistry.
Miss P. M. Campbell, B.A. (Dublin) —French and German.
Miss D. J. Collins, B.A. (London) — English.
Miss D. M. Davies, B.A. (London) — German.
Miss E. M. Down, B.Sc. (London) — Mathematics.
Miss G. Dunlop, B.Sc. (Econ.) (London) — History and Economics.
Mrs. N. Durell, Slade Diploma — Art.
Miss E. M. E. Headland, B.Sc. (Reading) — Geography.
Mrs. L. J. Howle, B.Sc. (London) — Geography.
Miss A. Hudson, G.R.S.M. — Music.
Miss P. M. Huntley, Diploma in Domestic Subjects and Needlework — N.T.C.D.S.
Miss S. M. Hutchinson, B.A. (Nottingham) — English.
Miss B. L. Martin, B.Sc. (London) — Biology.
Miss S. Morant, B.A. (London) — History.
Mrs. P. L. Morris, B.Sc. (London) — Biology.
Miss M. Neall, Ministry of Education Teachers' Certificate—Scripture and English.
Miss K. M. Normile, Domestic Subjects Diploma, N.T.C.D.S. and City and Guilds Teachers' Needlework Diploma.
Miss M. M. Phillips, B.Sc. (St. Andrews) — Mathematics.
Mrs. E. L. Roberts, M.A. (Cantab.) — Mathematics.
Miss D. Russell, Diploma in Fine Art — Art.
Miss G. T. M. Schlesinger, Giessen University Degree and German Teachers' Training Diploma — Physics.
Miss V. Shervey, B.A. (London) — French.
Miss A. J. Strong, G.R.S.M. — Music.
Miss N. Unwin, B.A. (Birmingham) — Classics.
Miss A. Wallace, University of London Teachers' Certificate in Physical Education.
Miss M. E. Young, BA. (London) — English.
Herr Bruckner.

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