Pupils and teachers at Silver Street School Edmonton, North London, 1940s
This page shows class year photos of pupils and teachers at Silver Street School, Edmonton, north London during the 1940s. All have either been provided by my relatives or by former pupils who have visited and enjoyed the companion pages on Silver Street School, the old Edmonton locality and, quite generally, early 1900s school life.
MOST OF THE FOLLOWING IMAGES ENLARGE ON TAP/CLICK Unfortunately the quality has not allowed this for all of them, but pinching them out may help

A class in Silver Street School, Edmonton, 1940 or 1941
Class 5 at Silver Street School, 1941, supplied by John Cole. He is
sitting in the centre of the front row immediately behind the class
5 board.
Front row, from the left,: -, Colin Gill, Bobby Quille, Tony Hutt,
me, Charlie Woods, Terry Clark, -.
Second row: Betty Bilson, -,-,-, -, Margaret
Robinson,-,-, Gwen Butler, -
Third Row: Alan Bridges, -,-,-,-, Tony Drage, -, twins Paul Woods
and Michael Woods
Back row: Sylvia?, Gwen ?, -, -
Class 4 at Silver Street School, about 1942, supplied by Margaret Robinson. She is at the right-hand end of the second row. Joan Spendelow is on the left hand end of the second row.

Class 6 at Silver Street School, 1942.
Peter Fletcher says that he is the little blonde lad second from right in the
second row from the front.
Can you name anyone else?
The 1942/43 football team at Silver Street School, supplied by Barbara Lucia (formerly Barbara Peet).
The photo shows her father, Robin Blackmore Peet and his twin brother Michael Rafe Peet.
The names underneath the photo were copied from handwritten ones and
may be misspelt or misplaced. If you can add information please get
in touch.
Front row: Acton, Watson
Second row: Pinnock, Manly, Wayman, Sawyer, Sheggs
Third row: Careford, Michael Peet, Frazer, Robin Peet, Marlow
Back row: Mr Newings (headmaster), Mr Dove (probably a games master)

Class 5 at Silver Street School, 1943, supplied by Jessie Stubbings (born Jessie Aldridge).
She is third from the left in the second row from the back. Next to her to the right is Maureen Oram.
In the row below third from the left is Sylvia Sherman, and next to her on the right is Jean Berry.
Can you name anyone else?
Class 1 at Silver Street School, supplied by John Cole, about 1944.
Front row: Brian Bateley, Alan Barber, John Cole, Terry Clark, Brian Lewis, - , Margaret?, - , -.
Second row: - , - , Betty Bilson, - , Gwen Butler, Joan Spendelow, , - , Peter Fletcher, Sylvia Cook, -, -,
Third row: - , - , - ,? Holmes, - , Margaret
Robinson, Sylvia Day, Alan ?, - , - ,
Back row: David Coward, - , ? Philips, - , Tony Drage, Tony Hutt, - , Frank Davis, Bobby Quille, Alan Bridges.
Class 6 at Silver Street School, supplied by Margaret Robinson, about 1944. Her brother, Harry Robinson, is third from the left in the top row.
Victory party, 15th September 1945, at Silver Street School, supplied by Margaret Robinson. She was part of a group which sang 'Let him go, let him tarry', Gracie Fields first sang it in 1942.
A class at Silver Street School in the mid 1940s, supplied by Andrew Dickson. He remembers the man on the left-hand side as the Headmaster, Mr Newing, and the man on the right as Mr Parry, the 'topclass' teacher. The other names that come to his mind are: On the left hand side of the back row, the fourth boy is Billy Ellis, the fifth is Julian Bowen and the sixth is Dennis Tapper. The 6th boy on the second row is himself and on the third row from the back, the seventh is Teddy Inglis, the eighth is Ronald Flowers and the tenth is Jeffery Frazer. On the front row, the seventh could be Terry Pierce and the eight could be Jeffery Wailing.
A class at Silver Street School, courtesy of Tom Wallace who is top-right in the photo, sometime in the 1940s.
Can you help refine the date or add any other names?
A class 8 at Silver Street School, courtesy of John Langford, dated sometime in the 1940s. Can you suggest the date or any other names?
The teacher, John thinks, had a French name like DuMurrier.r.
Back row: Derek Warne, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Graham South, ?, ?
3rd row: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Jimmy Bilson, ?, ?, ?,?
2nd row: ?, ?, Tom Wallace, George Andrews, ?, ?, ?, ?, Roy Banks, ?, ?, ?
Front row: ?, ?, ?, ?, me Johnny Langford, ?, Bunny Grimes, ?, ?
A class 3 infants at Silver Street School, courtesy of John Langford, dated sometime in the 1940s. Can you suggest the date or any other names?
Back row: ?, Jimmy Bilson, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, me John Langford, ?
Third row: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?. ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
Second row: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
Front row: ?, George Andrews, Roy Banks, ?, ?, ?, Graham South, Len
A class 3a at Silver Street School, courtesy of John Langford, dated about 1949 by Rebecca Munds, daughter of Chris Munds. Can you suggest any other names?
Back row: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Edward Ottery, ?, ?, Dumpy White, ?, ?
Third row: ?, me
John Langford, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Jimmy Bilson, ?
Second row: ?, ?, Len
Mears, ?, ?, Mr Evans, Chris Munds, ?, ?, Brian Oram
Front row: George Andrews, ?, ?, Bunny
Grimes, ?, ?, ?
Silver St Juniors Football Team 1948-1949. Photo supplied by Syd Trigg.
Back Row: Mr Graves (Coach), Mr Newing (Headmaster)
Standing: Derrick Luck, R Calvert, Brian Banks, Dave Goodchild, Danny
Sleaper, Pete Longfellow, Mick Ceely, T Truman, T Mills
Sitting: Terry Watson, Nick Tovey, Brian Moxham (Capt), Dave Bristow, Syd Trigg
Silver St Juniors Football Team 1949-1950 (winners of the Edmonton Junior Schools Football League, Alberta Trophy). Photo supplied by Syd Trigg.
Back Row: Mr Graves (Coach), Mr Chapman (Ass Coach), Mr Newing (Headmaster),
Mr Donahoe
Standing: Charlie Walters, Dave Bristow, Danny Sleaper, Alan Deighton, Colin
Broomfield, B Wallis
Sitting: Alan Jepps, Johnny Gosling, Terry Watson, Brian Banks (Capt), John
Merry, Syd Trigg, Terry Alderman
Floor: Pete Cohen, R Spencer
A class 3 infants at Silver Street School, courtesy of Gerald Ladd, dated 1949 or 1950. He remembers the following names and that the teacher, Mr Dix, was very strict. Can you put any more names to faces?
Left to right:
Front row: ? Dickie Oakford,Edward Ottery ? ? ? ? ? ? Bunny Grimes
Second row: ? ? ? Freddie Hurst, Watson,? Mr Dix,? ? Gifford,? Sleap
Third row: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Back row: Jimmy Bilson ? ? Lenny Mears,? ? Peter Langford,? ? Geza Ladd ?
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If you can add anything to this page or provide a photo, please contact me.