Pupils and teachers at Silver Street School, Edmonton, 1950s
This page shows class year photos of pupils and teachers at Silver Street School, Edmonton, north London during the 1950s. All have either been provided by my relatives or by ex-pupils who have visited and enjoyed the companion pages on Silver Street School, the old Edmonton locality and, quite generally, early 1900s school life.
MOST OF THE FOLLOWING IMAGES ENLARGE ON TAP/CLICK Unfortunately the quality has not allowed this for all of them, but pinching them out may help
A class at Silver Street School in 1950, photo supplied by Isabelle Procter on behalf of her husband Alan Proctor who is in the photo. He has been able to identify the following names. Additional names identified by Bob Scott.
Back Row - 2nd from left: Colin Burns, 7th from left: ? Stoddart, 10th from left: Raymond Webb.
Second Row - 1st left: Alan Deighton, 10th from left: Terry Watson.
Third Row - 2nd from left: Alan Procter, 3rd from left: ? Gosling, 4th left: Alan Bradshaw.
Front Row - 1st left: Michael Molleneaux*, 2nd from left: ? Tansley, 4th from left: Kenneth Mizen, fifth from left: Bob Scott, 6th from left: Billy Donahue ?,
Teacher - Miss Ingram / Ingraham or Miss or Mrs Swann.
Apparently Michael Molleneaux was the only boy who had a watch at one stage, so was given the task of ringing the bell at the end of a period.
Teachers remembered by Bob Scott included Miss Looney, Mr Harding, Mr Graves and Mr Swinscoe. Bob remembers being caned by Mr Newing together with his friend Brian Thear.

The athletic team at Silver Street School 1950, photo supplied by Isabelle Procter on behalf of her husband Alan Procter who is in the photo. He and Syd Trigg have remembered the following names:
Back Row left: Mr. Davis (Coach/sport Master); right: Mr. Newing
(Headmaster who Alan remembers giving him the cane)
Standing: ?, ?, Stanley Fletcher, Charlie Walters, Alan Deighton, Colin
Broomfield, ?, ?, B Wallis, ?
Sitting: Terry
Watson, Robert Stillwell, ?, Colin Burns, Danny Sleaper, Billy Donahue, Syd Trigg. ?,
Johnny Goslin
Front Row: Alan Procter ?, ?, ?, ?, John Merry.
A class at Silver Street School in about 1952, photo supplied by Jacqueline Stocker (nee Coles). Her brother, Derek Coles, is in the top row, second from the left.
Leslie Dawson remembers the master standing on the far right as being ex RAF with a moustache - possibly a Mr Walters?
Can you put any other names to more faces?
Jacqueline points out that the background in the photo is the
same as the 1950 one as supplied by Isabelle Procter, which means
that the children must have lined up against the same wall.
Silver Street primary school cricket team 1952.
Back row standing (teachers) L to R : Mr Harding, Mr Newing, ?
Back row Standing (boys)L to R: Nelson, ?, Clive Austin, Rose, ?, Phil Chandler, ?, Barry Swain (standing in front of teacher)
Seated row Lto R: Martin Alderman, Tony Berry, Tim Veat, ?, Peter Ivory
Seated on floor L to R: John Whatley, Graham Spring
Photo courtesy of Phil Chandler who notes that the team played home matches in Tatem Park on a prepared pitch in the centre of the concrete oval track which he thinks is now used for roller skating and skate boarding.
Another class at Silver Street School in about 1952, photo supplied by Ron Cartland.
Ron can remember the following names:
2nd row 4th from the left - Clive Austin, 1st from the right - Graham Nash
3rd row 1st from the left - Geoff Wilson, 3rd from the left - Norman Brown
4th row 2nd from the right - Brian Hare, far right - Brian Spooner
Front row 3rd from the left - Ron Cartland
Can you put any more names to faces?
A Division II football team at Silver Street School in 1953. This photo was supplied by Ian Eaton with no additional information. The following names have been added by Peter Edrich, Colin Bewley, Derrick Lockey and Eric Preedy.
Back row, teachers, from left to right: Mr Ken Chapman, Mr Newing and Mr Harold Graves
Standing from left: John Wooldridge, Ian Eaton; Derrick Lockey, Terry Gosling,
Alfie Coe, Dave Mungham
Seated from left: Colin Bewley, David Fletcher, David Speed, Chris Fielder, John Peacock
A class in Silver Street School in 1953 courtesy of Patrick French. He is first on the right in the 3rd row back.
The twin brothers Leslie Dawson (right) and David Dawson are either side of the teacher, Mr Graves, who Leslie reports was nicknamed Gravy. Leslie also reports that no-one at the school could tell the difference between the twins and just called them both 'twinnie'.
Can you remember any other names?
Patrick notes that Mr Graves (centre) was known for his use of the
plimsoll. ['Plimsoll' seems to be a word that has gone out of fashion.
It was a lightweight trainer, and it and the 'slipper' were widely
used instead of a cane for punishment.] Leslie remembers a class 'slippering' for some misdemeanour when
Mr Graves employed a large 'plimpsole' to see how many times he could
wallop us as we individually crawled across the top of a desk. Slightly painful,
embarassing, and unthinkable now.
A Division I football team at Silver Street School, season 1953/4. This photo was supplied by Ian Eaton with no additional information. The following names have been added by Colin Bewley, Derrick Lockey and Eric Preedy.
Back row, teachers, from left to right: Mr Chapman, Mr Griffiths, Mr Graves
Standing from left: David Speed, John Wooldrige, Chris Fielder, John Ford, Colin Bewley, David Fletcher, Dave Mungham
Seated from left: Len Risley, Derrick Lockey, John Powell, Terry Gostling, Ian Eaton
Colin thinks that Johnny Powell was Captain.
Derrick reports that he had his
leg broken in the last match of the season and missed school for
nearly a year with complications to the tib/fib break. He was back just
in time for 11 plus.
A junior team at Silver Street School, in 1954. This photo was supplied by Ian Eaton with no additional information.
Eric Preedy has named the
teacher at the far right of the back row as Mr D.G. Griffiths
Derrick Lockey has added the following names:
Centre row standing: 6th from left, Derrick Lockey
Front seated: 3rd from left, John Powell; 6th from left Ian Eaton
Junior cricket team at Silver Street School, in 1954. This photo was supplied by Ian Eaton with no additional information.
Eric Preedy has named the teachers from the left as Mr D.G. Griffiths headmaster, Mr Harold Graves and Mr Chapman.
Derrick Lockey has added the following names:
Standing from left: David Speed, Ian Eaton, Terry Gosling, ? , ? , Chris Fielding
Seated from left: Derrick Lockey, John Powell, ? , ? , - Chapman
Floor: left: Chris Locke and Floor right: Lenny Risley
Mr Powell's class circa 1952-1953, courtesy of Peter Edrich. (U represents
unknown because Peter can't call the name to mind. Can you?)
Front row, seated left to right: Alec Hatch, U, Michael Pavey, U, Bernard Woollard, Stephen
Went, DavidGoddard, U
2nd row: Bob Brandon, Rod McCarthy, U, Keith Rowley, U, John Lewis, Geoffrey Elks, Keith Fitchew,
Clifford Daniels, Brian Pike
3rd row: U, U, Brian Isaacs, Albert Mills, Sydney Curtis, U, Bertie Coe. Keith Oram, David Kerr,
Back Row: Peter Edrich, George Munds, David Sadler, U, Eddie Veasey
Mr Robert's Class class circa 1953-1954, courtesy of Peter Edrich. (U represents
unknown because Peter can't call the name to mind. Can you?)
Front row, left to right: Colin Knowler, Brian Goddard, Rod MacCarthy, John Lewis, Alan Banbury,
Brian Pike, Keith Fitchew, Alfie ?, Paul Minter, Geoffrey Elks, Tony Swinfen
Middle row: John Sinclair, Peter Edrich, David Kerr, Brian Isaacs, David Sadler, Frankie Benton,
Brian Percy, Alan Caiger, Alec Hatch, Keith Oram
Back row: Stephen Went, Michael Pavey, Sydney Curtis, Eddie Veasey, Bernard-Woollard, Keith Rowley, Albert Mills, John Ovens, Michael Spurling
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