Pupils and teachers at Silver Street School, undated, c1950s

This page shows class year photos of pupils and teachers at Silver Street School, Edmonton, north London. Unfortunately they are not dated, and some arrived with no additional information at all. Probably though, they were taken sometime around the 1950s.

MOST OF THE FOLLOWING IMAGES ENLARGE ON TAP/CLICK Unfortunately the quality has not allowed this for all of them, but pinching them out may help

class at Silver Street School, Edmonton, c1950s, 1 of 5

Photo supplied by Ian Eaton with no additional information.
Derrick Lockey has suggested a date of 1952 or 53 and provided the following names:

Mr Chapman teacher
Back standing from left: Lenny Risley, John Wooldridge, rest unknown
Second row down standing: 6th from left: Ian Eaton, 9th from left: Michael Gore
Seated 1st left: David Speed; 5th from left: surname only Watts

Can you add any other names?

class at Silver Street School, Edmonton, c1950s, 2 of 5

Photo supplied by Ian Eaton with no additional information.

The following names are supplied by Derrick Lockey and Terry Fletcher. Derrick suggests a date of 1951 or 52 whereas Terry thinks that it is 1953:

Back row: 3rd from left ? Richardson
Second level Floor standing:
1st from left David Bates, 2nd from left John Wooldridge, 4th from left Terry Warren, 5th from left Michael Gore
8th from left: Ian Eaton, 11th from left: Lenny Risley
Front: David Speed, Geoff Hopkins, ? ,? , ?, ?, Terry Fletcher

Can you add any other names?

class at Silver Street School, Edmonton, c1950s, 3 of 5

Photo supplied by Ian Eaton with no information on names.

Derrick Lockey gives the date of 1951 or 52, which Phil Chandler confirms and points out that it is written on the ball.

There is some disagreement on names.

According to Derrick Lockey:

Standing: 2nd from left,  Lenny Risley; 3rd from left Derrick Lockey; 5th from left Terry Gosling
Seated 1st from left: John Powel; 4th from left Ian Eaton
The teacher in the centre is Mr Newing; the teacher to the right is Harold Graves and the teacher to the left is Mr Chapman.

According to Phil Chandler:

Teachers at back L-R are Mr Chapman, Mr Newing (headmaster) and Mr Graves(Team coach)

Back row L-R are Brian Spooner, A Risley, Derek Lockey, Nelson, Terry Gosling, N McDonald, Brian Scrivens, ?

Front row L-R ?, E Bennington, Graham Spring, ?, Phil Chandler (holding the ball), Tony Wilkins, Clive Austin, George Clarry, Brian Swain

class at Silver Street School, Edmonton, c1950s, 4 of 5

Photo supplied by Ian Eaton with no additional information.
Derrick Lockey has suggested a date of 1954 and provided the following names:

Standing: 3rd from left: Ian Eaton; 4th from left: Lenny Risley

Can you add any other names?

class at Silver Street School, Edmonton, c1950s, 5 of 5

Photo supplied by Ian Eaton with no additional information.

Derrick Lockey has suggested a date of 1953 and provided the following names:

Teacher Mr. Graves

Standing from left: Terry Gosling, John Wooldridge, David Speed, Lenny Risley, Ian Eaton, Derrick Lockey

Colin Bewley has provided the following names:

Front row:
Colin Bewley, David Fletcher, David Mungham, Johnny Powell and Graham Roberts

Colin points out that two regulars or reserves are missing: Chris Fielder and the regular goalie, John Ford.

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